full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Tammy Lally: Let's get honest about our money problems

Unscramble the Blue Letters

But there's deeper work that needs to hepapn. How did you get all these mneoy bfieels to begin with? I call this your money autobiography, and as a money coach, this is the first step I take with my clients. Think back to your earliest childhood money memory. What did it feel like when you got money? Were you excited, proud or cesnofud? And what did you do with the money? Did you run with the candy store, or did you run to the bank? And what did you hear your parents say, and what did you see your parents do with the money?

Open Cloze

But there's deeper work that needs to ______. How did you get all these _____ _______ to begin with? I call this your money autobiography, and as a money coach, this is the first step I take with my clients. Think back to your earliest childhood money memory. What did it feel like when you got money? Were you excited, proud or ________? And what did you do with the money? Did you run with the candy store, or did you run to the bank? And what did you hear your parents say, and what did you see your parents do with the money?


  1. beliefs
  2. confused
  3. money
  4. happen

Original Text

But there's deeper work that needs to happen. How did you get all these money beliefs to begin with? I call this your money autobiography, and as a money coach, this is the first step I take with my clients. Think back to your earliest childhood money memory. What did it feel like when you got money? Were you excited, proud or confused? And what did you do with the money? Did you run with the candy store, or did you run to the bank? And what did you hear your parents say, and what did you see your parents do with the money?

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
money shame 4
budget conversation 2
intensely painful 2
painful feeling 2
bank account 2
money beliefs 2
money belief 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
intensely painful feeling 2

Important Words

  1. autobiography
  2. bank
  3. beliefs
  4. call
  5. candy
  6. childhood
  7. clients
  8. coach
  9. confused
  10. deeper
  11. earliest
  12. excited
  13. feel
  14. happen
  15. hear
  16. memory
  17. money
  18. parents
  19. proud
  20. run
  21. step
  22. store
  23. work